To all of you, our deepest thanks! You've been amazing! Once again, your cheerful support have proved us that we were right, almost two years ago, when we decided to become an international publishing house.
Thanks to your help, we will translate four new books in English, and more to come! Some of you are probably disappointed that we didn’t reach the Silent Hill stretch goal but, hey, don’t worry, we’ve heard you. Even if the book (and the others) is not going to be translated right away, it doesn’t mean that we will never translate it! Au contraire! Silent Hill, Persona 5, Castlevania and so on, they’re all going to be translated someday, probably next year! As we have told many times before, our ultimate goal is to translate all of our books eventually.
In the meantime, what’s next for this campaign? You’re probably wondering when you’ll be able to pick the books you want. You won’t have to wait long: we will launch the pledge manager in about two weeks. In the pledge manager, you’ll be able to choose your books, and also to add more books/ebooks, including the non-campaign books, in their standard or collector’s editions: BioShock, FFVII, MGS, Dark Souls vol 1, Zelda vol 1, FFVI, Dragon Quest, Fallout and Fumito Ueda. (except the collector's editions that are out of stock: Zelda vol1, Dark Souls vol 1 and FFVII)
Until then, take care. We love you!